My Wine Trip in the Foothills of the Alps

Maine's First Natural Wine Festival

Maine's First Natural Wine Festival

40 importers and wine makers by the water in Freeport

Maine Wild Wine Fest

Saturday the 21st is the inaugural Maine Wild Wine Fest! Last autumn I had a few hours of free time and I decided that Maine should have a Natural Wine Fair. So I set about organizing one! Now it's 10 days away and it's crunch time, but it is all coming together and looks like it's going to be really fun. I have about 40 presenters coming including wine makers from across America, Fredi Torres from Spain is the lone European, and the majority of the Natural Wine Importers who have helped build this movement. 

Tickets are $50
2 ticket windows:

The event is at the Mallet Barn at Wolfe's Neck farm in Freeport. It's a beautiful spot on the water and probably the nicest old post and beam barn in the state. There's a large open grassy lawn where we'll have picnic tables and food trucks for people to congregate. 

Transmission is high right now, but we've set this up to be as safe as possible. The barn is very airy and we'll have the doors at both ends open to allow lots of air flow. We have two ticket windows: one from 10:30-1 and the second from 1:30-4. The two windows are limited to 150 people in each to keep it from ever being too crowded. This will allow festival goers to interact with all the presenters as well as leave plenty of space to spread out. We are requiring proof of vaccination at the door.  

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Extra Events

We're organizing a lot of extra affiliated events. Here's a quick list: 

Thursday May 19th

Friends and Family Bobo Selections take over with Karen Ulrich of Bobo 

Friday May 20th

Maine and Loire organic Champagne Tasting with Michel from Vinotas
Chaval Wine Dinner with Fredi Torres
Lorne Wine Tasting with Gaby from Goatboy Selections
Vessel and Vine Wine Dinner featuring Summer Wolf of Hootananny and her husbands winery Iuli 

Saturday the 21st

Jose Pastor & Louis Dressner tasting with Mark and Josefa at the Rosemont Wine Bar 5-7pm
After party with DJs and cool wine at the Washington Baths 9pm


Glidden Point Oysters and Slovenian and Croatian wines with Daniel from Vinum Noon-3
Table Bar in Gardner (a new wineshop/bar opening this week) wine tasting with Gaby from Goatboy

That whole big square at the end of the barn is a pair of massive barn doors. Those will be open at both ends of the building to let plenty of air through.


One of the many importers who's coming: Josefa Concanon of Louis Dressner. Josefa has basically spent her life getting to know this industry and the wineries in the Dresser portfolio inside and out. Here she is with Eric Texier. Incidentally Josefa will be pouring a super rare old vine bottling of his Serrine: the grape that people think Syrah may be descended from.

Freshly back from Italy Betsy of Quanto Basta will be here making pizzas in her little pizza truck.

If you've ever had Mami before you'll know why I'm so excited to have them here. If you haven't then you're in for a treat! It's savory interesting Japanese street food that is perfect with complex wines.

Rounding out the food trucks Mr Tuna will be on hand dishing up sushi!

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